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Create and email Statements for your clients

Updated over a week ago


  • In the Clients section select a Client

  • In the section Overview click on + Statement 

  • A new screen appears

  • Select desired time-frame. As default the last 30 days are selected

  • Choose whether to show unpaid invoices only

  • In case there are invoices in more than one currency you will be able to select a currency

  • Now you can Preview, Print or E-mail the statement. A statement is sent as a PDF file


  • In the Clients section select a Client

  • Click on the + Statement button on the right 

  • A new window with the statement preview appears

  • Select desired time-frame. As default the last 30 days are selected

  • Choose whether to show only unpaid invoices

  • In case there are invoices in more than one currency you will be able to select a currency

  • Now you can Download or E-mail the statement. A statement is sent as a PDF file

note: Statement’s language, color and template is set by your Template design


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