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Filtering, Search and Sorting
Updated over a week ago


  • You can select the desired status from the upper toolbar. Invoices can be filtered by Paid/Unpaid/Overdue, estimates by Invoices/Issued/Outdated and purchase orders by Status. Expenses can be filtered by Paid/Unpaid/Overdue and by Category

  • Documents can be sorted by Number, Client, Issue date, Status, Amount and User name. Click on the respective category to sort the list.
    Documents are sorted by document numbers by default. The higher the number and the more characters it contains, the higher the position in the list.

  • All documents can be searched by Number, Client name and Total amount using the search function

  • Use the Date filter to display documents for a certain period. In the upper row, click on This year and either choose Last year, Last month, This month, Lifetime or select your date-range. Then click Apply. Documents will be displayed based on their issue date and delivery date.


  • You can filter your documents by the issue date when clicking on This year▼ on the upper side of your screen and choose Last year, Last month, This month, Lifetime. Documents will be displayed based on their issue date and delivery date.

  • Documents are sorted by document numbers. The higher the number and the more characters it contains, the higher the position in the list.

  • By clicking on the magnifying glass icon you can also search the documents by Number, Client name and Total amount

  • The search function is also enabled for Clients and Products



When a delivery/execution date is saved with the invoice the search results take that into account - e.g., an invoice created in December with a delivery date in January will appear on your January's list (and also in the Statistics/Dashboard)

You can combine all types of filters thus making your search efficient - for instance, you can search for unpaid invoices from last year created for a specific client

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