Delivery note can be created from any document, or you can create a brand new one.
There are no prices or taxes saved with a delivery note
It's not possible to create other documents (such as invoices or quotes) from a delivery note.
Want to use Packing slips instead?
Navigate to ⚙ Settings – Template design & settings, choose Template adjustments and then Custom labels. Change the Delivery note and Delivery note No. to Packing slip.
Create a new delivery note
Navigate to Documents - Delivery notes
Click on on the + icon or on New delivery note button
Select a client, item and all other data and press Save
Create a delivery note from a previous document
Select a document
From the action sheet (bottom) select Create delivery note
A new delivery note with all information from the document (besides prices and tax) will created
You can edit and Save it
Select a document and display a preview
Click on the Create button and select Create delivery note
A new delivery note with all information from the document (besides prices and tax) will created
You can edit and Save it
Note: The information about a creation of a delivery note appears in the Timeline.
Would you like to create both Delivery notes and Invoices?
Use our Inventory, Orders and Store app to create Purchase orders first.
You can create delivery notes, invoices and quotes/estimates from a purchase order later.