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Sell on Instant Website

You personal web page - quick and simple

Updated over a week ago

Instant Website is a simple online website which provides everything for your clients to purchase products, book services or request quotes.

We create an Instant website for you automatically after signing up to Billdu.

The information on an Instant website can be edited in your Public profile.

  • You'll find your Instant website at More - Sales Page - Sales channels

  • The screen shows your actual website link

  • You can edit your online link freely by clicking on Edit link. A new window appears, change your online link and click Save
    NOTE: After editing the link any previous link shared won't be accessible. If you've already used or shared the Instant website link in the past, you may want to let your customers know about the change

  • Click on View Site to see your actual Instant website. This is how it looks like for your customers when they visit it

  • You can share a link to your website to your customers or copy it by clicking on Share Link.

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