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Add products for sale

Enable your products for sale on your Online Store

Updated over a week ago

Create and enable products for sale - they appear in your Online Store for your customers ready to be purchased. You can add images to your products which will be displayed on your Sales page and order them in Collections.

There are 2 ways how to add a product to the Online Store.

Through the Service/Product list...

  • In the main menu navigate to Services/Products

  • Select an existing product or create a new one

  • Your product should have a name, quantity, unit and price. You can add a description, discount and choose a tax. Click on the icon in the right corner to add an image.

  • Add a SKU (stock keeping unit) number and turn on Track quantity to track products you've sold. You'll get an overview of how much has been sold and your customers will be informed about product availability.

  • Save the product and you'll get to the Product detail screen

  • In the section Product availability click on Online Store

  • Turn on the switcher Online Store. Now your product is ready for sale and you can preview it by clicking on Preview

  • Enter the weight of the product in case you'd like to calculate shipping fees based on the weight

  • Click on General settings to manage your Shipping and delivery options, Payment options and Policies

  • Save

...or through the Sales Page

  • Navigate to select Sales Page

  • Click on Online Store

  • Turn on the switcher Online Store. The sections General settings and Product list appear

  • In the section Product list click on Add product

  • You can either choose one of your saved products or create a new one by clicking on + sign in the upper right corner

  • Enter the weight of the product in case you'd like to calculate shipping fees based on the weight

  • Click on Add in the upper right corner. The product is added to your Product list

  • Your product is now added to your Online Store. You can preview it by clicking on Preview in the upper right corner

  • Click on General settings to manage your Shipping and delivery options, Payment options and Policies.

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